Русский алфавит – Russian alphabet
A a [a] Like in English love, uncle
Б б [b] Like in English boy
В в [v] Like in English very
Г г [g] Like in English give, go
Д д [d] Like in English do, day
Е е [ye] Like in English yes
Ё ё [yo] Like in English your
Ж ж [zh] Like in English pleasure, usually
З з [z] Like in English zoo
И и [i] Like in English give, live
Й й [y] Like in English say, toy, play
К к [k] Like in English key, cake
Л л [l] Like in English last, lilac
M м [m] Like in English my, mom
Н н [n] Like in English no, nine
О о [o] Like in English for, saw
П п [p] Like in English pipe, pope
Р р [r] Like in English right
С с [s] Like in English see, sauce
Т т [t] Like in English tea, tattoo
У у [u] Like in English true
Ф ф [f] Like in English fee, off
Х х [h] Like in English how
Ц ц [ts] Like in English Tsar
Ч ч [ch] Like in English church
Ш ш [sh] Like in English she, show
Щ щ Like sh, but more soft
ъ [y] Used only in situation after consonant before vowel
ы Like [i], but more hard
ь Shows, that consonant before this letter must be pronounced softly
Э э [e] Like in English pet, red, get
Ю ю [yu] Like in English you, few, new
Я я [ya] Like in English young
Упражнение I – Exercise I
Read the following names. Write your own name, your mother’s name and your father’s name with Russian letters.
Джон, Роберт, Ричард, Эшли, Мэри, Джейн, Сюзэн, Рональд, Барбара, Абигайль.
Упражнение II – Exercise II
Read and memorize the following words
Стол (table), стул (chair), окнó (window), нож (knife), карандáш (pencil), пенал (pencil case), потолок (ceiling), компьютер (computer), учебник (textbook), цветок (flower), телефон (phone), мел (chalk), сумка (bag), ручка (pen), журнал (magazine), письмо (letter).
Упражнение III – Exercise III
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian according to the example.
Example: This is a table. – Это стол.
1) This is a chair. 2) This is a window. 3) This is a knife. 4) This is a pencil. 5) This is a pencil case. 6) This is a ceiling. 7) This is a computer. 8) This is a textbook. 9) This is a flower. 10) This is a phone. 11) This is chalk. 12) This is a bag. 13) This is a pen. 14) This is a magazine. 15) This is a letter.
Упражнение IV – Exercise IV
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian according to the example.
Example: Give me please a phone. – Дай мне, пожалуйста, телефон.
1) Give me please a pencil. 2) Give me please a pencil case. 3) Give me please a computer. 4) Give me please a chair. 5) Give me please a flower. 6) Give me please a knife. 7) Give me please a textbook. 8) Give me please chalk. 9) Give me please a magazine. 10) Give me please a letter.
Упражнение V – Exercise V
Read the dialog. Memorize it.
Дети: мальчик и девочка
- Привéт! Я Сáша. А как тебя зовýт?
- Я Мáша.
- Давáй игрáть вмéсте!
- Давáй! Children: a boy and a girl
- Hi! I’m Sasha. And what is your name?
- I’m Masha.
- Let’s play together!
- Let’s!
давай – let’s
вмéсте – together
игрáть – play
Как тебя зовут. – What is your name?
привéт – hi
я – I